Artem Ostroverh

I planned to study and then work in the field of psychology, so I realized that I needed a foundation. After reading the description of the training programs at UETS, I understood that this was exactly the place where I could get everything I needed. In addition, I saw that I could use the knowledge and skills gained in my ministry.


While studying, I was most influenced by my surroundings. These are students with whom there is always something to talk about, share, with whom you can unite and put some ideas into practice. And, of course, these are our employees who work hard for the students every day, being a great example for everyone in their field.


I really liked the amount and quality of knowledge I got. It is not just training ” because it is necessary” without explaining why, but expanding the worldview, developing critical and analytical thinking, it encourages us to develop active and quality thinking, to practically use skills and knowledge – just what students need.


In summer camps, I mentored older groups of children, where I could teach children Christian values ​​and get to know Jesus through Bible lessons and personal fellowship. Also, now I am ministering in the team of leaders of the youth group of the city of Ukrainka, where I have the opportunity to actively use the acquired knowledge and skills.

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