Головна Graduates

Dear graduates of Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary!

We are grateful to God for you when we see how courageously and sacrificially you minister in either your home cities and towns or places you evacuated to. We are also thankful to each one of you who supports the seminary’s ministry at this challenging time.
The ability to unite and consolidate efforts is important at any time. Today, it is of particular importance. Therefore, we invite you to join our community of UETS graduates.

The given community pursues four main goals:

  • Further training of ministers.
    We will keep you informed of all opportunities for your further education and training;
  • Fundraising for scholarships and projects.
    Financial support of students who cannot afford to pay their tuition fees as well as support of projects aimed at development of the seminary.
  • Cooperating in ministry.
    Facilitation of cooperation among graduates in their ministry, search for new ministry partners, exchange of experience.
  • Keeping informed of important events and prayer needs.
    Information of important event in the life of graduates, prayer needs and mutual assistance.

The main way for the community of UETS graduates to communicate is a Telegram channel we invite you to subscribe to.
We, in turn, promise not to spam but write information addressing you.

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